Are you completely happy with the culture of your organization? Award-winning author and speaker Henry Cloud says that leaders always get what they create and what they allow. I don’t know about you, but every time I read that I say, “Ouch!“ The great thing is that...
I know you want to be the most effective leader you can be. My readers and clients have consistently expressed this as one of their greatest desires, year after year. You want to be able to positively influence people in your family, organization, and community....
Have you ever had someone lose trust in you? Has anyone ever said to you, “You’ll never change.” Either one is a painful experience. But it’s definitely possible to fix a broken trust and create a new future. I have. In today’s video I share with you...
The ability to build trust is often viewed as a “nice-to-have” soft skill. The hard evidence, however, is that it has a direct, substantial impact on the profitability of your company. In today’s video I share with you the key economic factor involved and why it...
It seems that everyone I meet or talk to is busy…busier than ever before. The problem is that being busy can become intoxicating. It can even get to the point where you begin to mistake busyness for significance or productivity. That’s an easy, but huge mistake. In...
Finding and bringing great people onto your team involves a tremendous amount of effort. You don't want to lose what has taken so much to gain. This guide will help!