Are You Really A Person of Integrity?

Are You Really A Person of Integrity?

It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot, and typically means slightly different things to different people.Courtesy of Adobe Stock A lot of people use it as a synonym for honesty. Many others look at it more in terms of follow-through - doing what you say you’re...

How to Get the Right People in the Right Positions

How to Get the Right People in the Right Positions

Last week we began our 3-part series on how to build a high performing team. The aim of this series is giving you critical tools to help you gain solid traction and create outstanding results. In Part 1 we laid a strong foundation. If you haven't watched that video I...

How to Create Organizational Clarity

How to Create Organizational Clarity

A few weeks ago I promised I was going to send you a 3-part series with critical tools to help you gain some great traction and create superior results. Today's video is the 1st in the 3-part series and we're going to start off where any good builder starts...the...

Three Ways Multitasking is Killing Your Productivity

Three Ways Multitasking is Killing Your Productivity

A few years ago I was interviewing a candidate for an important office position for one of my clients. I asked the person to describe their strengths.Courtesy of Adobe Stock One of the first answers out of their mouth was, “I’m really good at multi-tasking.” When you...

How to Ensure Your Team Measures Up

How to Ensure Your Team Measures Up

You cannot manage what you do not measure.Courtesy of Adobe Stock That’s one of my favorite management adages of all time. It captures a timeless truth in a simple sentence that can be grasped by all who are willing to take heed. Too many managers I’ve come across...

Six Keys to Delivering Tough Performance Feedback

Six Keys to Delivering Tough Performance Feedback

There are some things that you look forward to with great anticipation. Closing a big deal. Hiring a rock star for a critical role. Rolling out that new, breakthrough product.Courtesy of Adobe Stock And then there’s delivering tough performance feedback. Ugh. I don’t...

Two Steps to Get Some Traction For 2021

Two Steps to Get Some Traction For 2021

Over the years I’ve heard a lot of hype about making this the “best year ever.” I guess that’s pretty typical for the end of December. And I’m certainly not opposed to making this my best year ever. Who wouldn’t want that, especially after 2020?Courtesy of Nadin Mario...

How Evernote Changed My Life

How Evernote Changed My Life

Do you remember where you were? I do…like it was yesterday. How could I forget? The day I met Evernote changed my life.Courtesy of Adobe Stock Actually, I’m totally serious…about remembering I mean. I remember that day with extreme clarity. It was at least ten years...

Are You Willing for Extreme Ownership?

Are You Willing for Extreme Ownership?

I was talking with a friend a few years ago whom I had not seen in a few months. He asked how things were going and, as usual, I had a hard time not being pretty transparent. One of the things I shared with him was my disappointment over the recent failure my team and...

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