Personal Development

Giving Thanks for the Fallen Warriors

by | Jun 1, 2016 | Personal Development

Were you able to attend a Memorial Day parade or flag folding ceremony on Monday? I’m sorry to say that due to other priorities this was the first time in a few years that I have not.

Courtesy of Adobe Stock

Memorial Day is one of those holidays that I took for granted for way too many years. But as I have aged (somewhat like a fine wine) it has grown in its importance to me. It’s become more personal because my grandfather gave his life in the service of our country many years ago, when my mom was only twelve.

I never had the privilege of meeting this great man, but I’ve heard a lot about him from my mom and other family members. I’ve admired his picture and, as young boy, I had the opportunity to visit the Davis-Monthan Air Force base in Tucson, AZ where a monument in his memory was built.

All five of my sons and I are a part of the Civil Air Patrol, which is the official auxiliary of the United States Air Force. Because of our participation in this organization, many of them have been involved in flag folding ceremonies as well as presenting the colors over the years. No matter how many times I attend one of these events on Memorial Day, it’s always a very moving experience.

My grandfather’s story is an example of true servant leadership. He trained pilots for the Air Force and one day a routine training flight went awry. As the plane landed something went wrong and the plane’s engine caught fire. As the crew scrambled to evacuate the plane my grandfather’s seatbelt jammed. One of his fellow crew members attempted to assist him. My grandfather ordered him to exit the plane. The crew member obeyed the command and thankfully his life was spared. Unfortunately for my grandfather, the plane exploded with him still inside. All of the other crew members made it to safety.

Courtesy of Andrea Denner

I know you appreciate the service and sacrifice of those who have served in our military. Many have given their lives to secure and maintain the freedoms the people of this nation, including you and me, have enjoyed for more than two centuries.

Let me encourage you to make sure you take the time to stop and thank the men and women you encounter along life’s journey who have donned the uniform and sworn to protect this great nation. And, next year, let’s both commit to setting aside the time to watch the parade and listen to the speeches offered by veterans whose simple desire is to honor their friends and comrades who paid the ultimate price that we might be free.

Question: Who would you like to honor in regards to Memorial Day this year? Share your answer in the Comments Section.


Seize the day!


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