
Three Ways Multitasking is Killing Your Productivity

Three Ways Multitasking is Killing Your Productivity

A few years ago I was interviewing a candidate for an important office position for one of my clients. I asked the person to describe their strengths.Courtesy of Adobe Stock One of the first answers out of their mouth was, “I’m really good at multi-tasking.” When you...

How Evernote Changed My Life

How Evernote Changed My Life

Do you remember where you were? I do…like it was yesterday. How could I forget? The day I met Evernote changed my life.Courtesy of Adobe Stock Actually, I’m totally serious…about remembering I mean. I remember that day with extreme clarity. It was at least ten years...

Five Best Things When You Don’t Have Enough Time

Five Best Things When You Don’t Have Enough Time

As I have interacted with my clients and other leaders over the last thirteen years, one topic has emerged above all others as a primary, ongoing frustration – not enough time. So let’s examine that feeling of not having enough time.Courtesy of Danielle Trista...

A Huge Lesson I Learned During My Recovery

A Huge Lesson I Learned During My Recovery

A few of you have been asking when I was going to send out the follow-up video from the other day. Well, here it is. Here's the thing. You and I both know this already. But, we forget it over and over again, or at the very least do nothing about it...and suffer the...

A Fundamental Key to Achieving Your Goals

A Fundamental Key to Achieving Your Goals

Achieving goals can be incredibly exhilarating or deeply frustrating. I know both experiences and work with many leaders who have also. But, there's a fundamental key to achieving any goal that people often miss. In today's video I explain the key and give a couple of...

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