Personal Development

Balancing Work and Family

Balancing Work and Family

For a while now I've been wanting to write and smash this myth about balance.Courtesy of Adobe Stock I hear and read so much about people trying to find balance in their life. To me that's like the search for the Holy Grail. Why? Because I don't think balance, at...

How Were Your Personal 1st Quarter Results?

How Were Your Personal 1st Quarter Results?

My wife and I completed our first quarterly review of the year last week. It was incredibly refreshing and energizing.Courtesy of Adobe Stock As has become our habit, we enjoyed an overnight getaway in order to look back over the last 90 days and plan for the next 90...

De-cluttering Your Mind for 2016

De-cluttering Your Mind for 2016

As you already know from last week’s post, the last month of 2015 has been an extremely challenging one. Regardless, I can honestly say that I am excited about 2016. Not just because I am leaving December behind, but because of the goals I have set for the year...

I Didn’t Lie to You. I Promise.

I Didn’t Lie to You. I Promise.

If you read my blog post last week (and remember it) you’re going to think I lied to you. But I didn’t. Honestly. I fully intended to write to you this week about how to know whether or not you have a problem to be solved or a tension that needs to be managed – either...

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