Personal Development

One Thing Every Great Leader Believes

One Thing Every Great Leader Believes

Have you ever asked your child after a day of school, “So what did you learn today?” I think that’s a great question.Courtesy of Adobe Stock I think it’s an especially great question for you and me to be asking ourselves. Why? Because being a lifelong learner is a...

What’s Wrong With Your To-Do List?

What’s Wrong With Your To-Do List?

Have you already looked at your to-do list for today?Courtesy of Adobe Stock Not everyone is a list person, but almost everyone has a to-do list of some kind, somewhere, even if it’s in their head. Some people use their calendar. Others use a trusty notepad or...

Giving Thanks for the Fallen Warriors

Giving Thanks for the Fallen Warriors

Were you able to attend a Memorial Day parade or flag folding ceremony on Monday? I’m sorry to say that due to other priorities this was the first time in a few years that I have not.Courtesy of Adobe Stock Memorial Day is one of those holidays that I took for granted...

Don’t Miss This Time With Your Family

Don’t Miss This Time With Your Family

This is a big week for our family. On Saturday we will have three sons who are graduating from college. Yes, you read that right. Three. All on the same day. All from the same university.It’s going to be really fun to watch the three of them cross the stage to get...

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