Personal Development

Don’t Continue With This Leadership Flaw

Don’t Continue With This Leadership Flaw

I work with many leaders in a wide array of arenas. They are all very different, and yet in one thing they are very much alike. They are alike in that when I began working with them they had a very limited understanding of their natural talents and strengths and how...

Focus On Your Strengths

Focus On Your Strengths

Years ago I read a book called Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie (Gallup Press, 2008) for a continuing education. In that book were a couple of statements that struck me.Courtesy of Danielle Trista Photography The first one said, "If you spend...

An Important Heads Up From A Heart Patient

An Important Heads Up From A Heart Patient

It's hard to believe that five weeks ago today I had my chest and rib cage cut open and one of my heart valves repaired. And I'm happy to report that the surgeon says my heart is like brand new! No heart disease. No heart damage. All original parts in tact. Praise be...

How Do Great Leaders Keep Their Edge?

How Do Great Leaders Keep Their Edge?

Complacency is an enemy of real leaders. From another angle, Jim Collins, author of Good to Great said, "Good is the enemy of great." I love that quote. Either way you slice it, one of the most important things, as leaders, is that we continue to challenge the status...

What Kind Of Wake Are You Leaving?

What Kind Of Wake Are You Leaving?

We have certainly entered the “dog days of summer” here in northern Illinois. Last week you could cut the air with a knife it was so humid. Thankfully, this week has seen some minor relief.Courtesy of Adobe Stock Water sports are definitely a good call for anyone...

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