Personal Development

How to Live a Life With Fewer Regrets

How to Live a Life With Fewer Regrets

That sounds good doesn’t it? It’s hard to live a life with no regrets, but we can certainly live in ways that significantly reduce the number. In today’s video I talk about one key to coming to the end of your life with fewer regrets. A lot of us don’t think about the...

What’s Fueling Your Fire

What’s Fueling Your Fire

When people ask me what I do for a living, one of my first responses is, "I'm doing what I love." What do you love? What are you passionate about? What fuels your daily fire? How much of your time do you get to spend on the things that you are passionate...

The Soft Zone

The Soft Zone

Some CEO's and other top executives tend to shy away from conversations about what are called "soft skills." They like to talk about the tangibles of strategy, vision and execution. But, you cannot get away from the critical role that those soft skills play in the...

The Importance Of Leisure In Leadership

The Importance Of Leisure In Leadership

Years ago I came across a helpful insight in a book called, "The Healthy CEO." The subtitle says, "Taking the lead in your physical, relational and financial wellness." Even at that time I had decided that my health (especially physical) is one area that had been...

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