
You Do Not NOT Have Time For This

You Do Not NOT Have Time For This

I know your plate is overflowing. You have way more to do than you can fit in the time you have available to you. In today's video I want to share with you one thing you do not NOT have time for. In less than 90 seconds I'll tell you what it is and share with you the...

Five Keys To Hiring The Right People

Five Keys To Hiring The Right People

When was the last time you had to fire someone? How’d it feel?Courtesy of Adobe Stock I can be pretty emotionally detached when I need to. But, terminating employees has never been easy for me. Those who find it easy might want to do some soul searching (or go see a...

Three Reasons to End the Interview Immediately

Three Reasons to End the Interview Immediately

I have interviewed hundreds and hundreds of candidates over the last 15 years. That means I have easily spent into the thousands of hours engaged in this challenging activity.Courtesy of Adobe Stock I’ve interviewed some real doozies in my time. Like the guy who snuck...

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