by Joe Denner | Mar 30, 2016 | Leadership
I spend a good portion of my time working with CEO’s and senior leaders of small businesses. One of the primary topics we deal with together is how to effectively handle conflict. Some of the conflicts have been relatively small, but others have completely changed the...
by Joe Denner | Mar 23, 2016 | Leadership
It was 40 degrees on Saturday here in the gloomy, overcast Midwest of these great United States. What made that even more difficult to bear was that I landed at O’Hare that morning after just having enjoyed two gorgeous, sun-filled, 90-degree days in Phoenix, AZ. I...
by Joe Denner | Mar 17, 2016 | Leadership
When you hear the name Coca Cola what comes to mind? What about Starbucks? How about Google? Courtesy of Adobe Stock I would bet in at least one case, something more than just thoughts came to mind. Maybe you could taste the fizzy soda or feel the refreshment on a hot...
by Joe Denner | Mar 9, 2016 | Hiring
I have interviewed hundreds and hundreds of candidates over the last 15 years. That means I have easily spent into the thousands of hours engaged in this challenging activity. Courtesy of Adobe Stock I’ve interviewed some real doozies in my time. Like the guy who...
by Joe Denner | Mar 2, 2016 | Leadership
Last week was a perfect example. Everything was lined up. The equipment we needed was in hand and things were moving along nicely. The schedule was pretty tight, but the finish line was in view. Courtesy of Adobe Stock Then it happened. The rug was pulled out from...