Personal Development

How to Live a Life BIGGER Than Your Work

by | Apr 16, 2020 | Personal Development

Does your work ever consume too much of your time or attention? If you’re honest, you’re nodding your head with me right now. Too many people come to the end of their lives with regrets in this area. But it can be avoided.

And it’s not too late.

In today’s video I give you 3 ways to make sure you live a life bigger than your work.

Watch now and give me your feedback.

If you’re having trouble viewing the video with the link above, watch it on my YouTube Channel.


Question: Which of the three ways to live a life bigger than your work is the most exciting for you and why? Share your answer in the Comments Section.


Seize the day!


  1. Avatar

    This is huge Joe. Nice presentation. SO HARD to compress into small bites but you did it well. Thanks for taking the time to put it together. It’s the journey I am on right now — am I doing what I am supposed to be doing? I might just watch this each morning when I wake up to get aimed. Thanks again.

    • Joe Denner

      You’re welcome Greg. Thrilled to be of help.

  2. Avatar

    Thanks for sharing, this was great!

  3. Avatar

    Thanks Joe I love the VIP(IPV) it fits so well into a Biblical or Christian Worldview..

    • Joe Denner

      Great to hear from you Ken. I appreciate the feedback and affirmation.

  4. Avatar

    When I consult with people I tell them God uniquely created them, with passions and skills, for a purpose they can fulfill better than anyone else. Sound advice.

    • Joe Denner

      Thanks for the affirmation Phill! It is great to hear from you. Keep up the good work in your sphere of influence.


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