
Three C’s for Leading Through Crisis

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Leadership

We’re all facing unprecedented circumstances and challenges and we need to know how to lead through them. In this video I share with you three essential C’s that will guide you in doing your very best for those you lead.

Watch now and give me your feedback.

If you’re having trouble viewing the video with the link above, watch it on my YouTube Channel.


Question: What is one thing you need to communicate to the people you lead today? Share your answer in the Comments Section.


Seize the day!


  1. Avatar

    Great message for these uncertain time, Joe! As a professor at UNMC PA program, we have moved to online teaching platform, and I am finding these very applicable in my connection and communication with my students.
    All the best,

    • Joe Denner

      Wayne…it is great to hear from you. God bless you in your work of serving your students.

  2. Avatar

    Good stuff Joe!

    In these circumstances I don’t think you can over communicate.
    Your communication must be relevant though and not annoying.

    • Joe Denner

      Thanks Ken. Great point. What we communicate matters. Amen to that.

  3. Avatar

    Well said Joe. I like the final C… create hope… I might say, convey hope! I think we can all look ahead and be hopeful that this all will soon pass. We will be better on the other side of this challenge (that is what challenge produces). I trust others were encouraged by your words as well. Stay safe friend.

    • Joe Denner

      I like your modification Chad. Good word. And thanks for the encouragement. Praying for you and your family!

  4. Avatar

    Kudos to my most favorite inspirational speaker. And my most favorite son-in-law. And one of my most favorite people too. A triple threat!

  5. Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this, Joe. Super solid advice! I appreciate the encouragement.


    • Joe Denner

      Hey Jerome! Great to hear from you friend. I hope you and the family are staying well.

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