Unknown Source
Those are just a few of the inspiring words uttered to his team by coach Herb Brooks only minutes before the U.S. Olympic hockey team faced the Russians in the 1980 Olympic Winter Games. I still remember that night, where I was sitting as I watched, and the magic of that moment when the game clock hit “00:00” as those “boys” staged one of the greatest upsets in sports history. It truly was their time. (Watch the full speech from the movie “Miracle”. It’s only 2 minutes…and very worth it.)
Many others have inspired great hope in their followers through their words and their deeds. I think of great men like Martin Luther King Jr. and Winston Churchill. One had “a dream” and the other saw “their finest hour…”
Another example that comes to mind is Lewis and Clark. Their unwavering, hopeful optimism was a major factor in holding the Corps of Discovery together and finishing a long and perilous journey to the Pacific Ocean and back. What quality do all of these great leaders share?
These great leaders who inspired such hope in others all had something in common. They saw possibilities. They saw victory. They saw a better future. That is what people want from their leaders. Along with building trust, showing compassion and providing stability, people want leaders who are creating hope.
According to the authors of Strengths Based Leadership, “Based on the data, it appears that this may be the one area in which higher level leaders can have the most influence in their organization.”
All five of the men I referenced above faced overwhelmingly negative circumstances. They didn’t live in denial about this or simply bury their heads in the sand. Yet they saw something different, beyond the challenges. As a result, they made the choice to courageously lead their followers through the difficulties to the other side.
There are people who are counting on you…looking to you for leadership. You have the opportunity to shape tomorrow.
Ask yourself:
- What am I allowing to obstruct my vision?
- What obstacles am I focusing on instead of the horizon?
- What picture will I paint for them?
- What story will I write?