
Four Ways to Create Loyal Followers

by | Aug 5, 2015 | Leadership

In their groundbreaking book, Strengths Based Leadership, the Gallup organization has presented a fresh look at leadership and what is at its core. In conducting over 10,000 interviews they set out to answer the question, “Why do people follow?”

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Although I highly recommend reading the book, I want to take some time to summarize their findings. In the weeks ahead we will dive deeper into these details and learn how we can increase the significance of our influence with those around us.

According to Gallup, the four things that people want and need most from their leaders are:

  • Trust
  • Compassion
  • Stability
  • Hope

When I first read the book, my reaction to this list was one of surprise. Where are vision, strategy, execution, courage and other words that usually come to mind when we think of leaders we admire? Surely those concepts should be at the top. While those characteristics are certainly important, current research gives a strikingly different view of what is most important.

After further thought, the list began to make more sense. Why? At its core, leadership is about influence. Influence is all about people and one-on-one relationships. The Gallup list gets at the heart of what most of us are looking for in our relationships. The words in my prior list relate more to the needs of an organization or a group.

What is important to remember is that it is the followers who get to decide why they follow. After all, leaders don’t pick their followers – at least not in reality. Followers pick their leaders.


At its core, leadership is about influence. Influence is all about people and one-on-one relationships.


Be on the look-out for next week’s blog where we will explore the cornerstone of great leadership.


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