
Leaders Must Be Great Conversationalists

by | May 3, 2017 | Leadership

A very commonly held belief is that “everything rises and falls on leadership.” If that is true, it begs the question, “Upon what does leadership rise and fall?”

Courtesy of Andrea Denner

Core Belief

My belief, along with others I work with, is that leadership rises and falls on the leader’s ability to effectively communicate with their followers in the regular, mundane conversations of everyday life.

You can be great at formulating vision, creating strategy, planning for execution or closing the big deals. But…

If you cannot effectively communicate the vision in ordinary conversations with those you lead, your effectiveness as a leader dwindles.
Joe Denner

In addition, if you are not drawing them into the conversation so that it is a meaningful, two-way communication, you will encounter the same problems in achieving results.


Some Questions to Consider
  • How well do you do at making your followers feel like an active part of the conversation?
  • Do they feel heard?
  • Are you drawing out their best every day?
  • Are you getting them fully engaged in the battle?

They are your key to success in the end.

Question: Does your organization have effective communicators? Share your answer in the Comments Section.


Seize the day!


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