It’s going to be really fun to watch the three of them cross the stage to get their diplomas together, one right after the other. You don’t see that every day.
As I’ve shared my excitement with people over this momentous occasion I’ve gotten a lot of questions about how this came about. No, there are no twins. And, no, no one flunked out of another school.
There is a perfectly reasonable (and actually pretty cool) explanation, but that isn’t what’s important to me right now. What’s important is that we drink in this experience together and celebrate what’s been accomplished by these three fine young men.
I want to emphasize the part about drinking it in and celebrating. The reason is that I don’t always do that very well. So maybe this blog post is a little more for me than it is for you. You be the judge.
I’m a pretty goal-driven, task-oriented person. I’m running pretty hard most of the time and actually enjoy it. I have a hard time slowing down and smelling the roses. This is a weekend where I definitely want to smell the roses, or whatever is growing in that part of the country.

Courtesy of Adobe Stock
I want to drink in the time with my family as we walk the campus, buy souvenirs at the bookstore, eat, swim, and whatever else we decide to do with these couple of days. This is a rare and amazing event we are about to experience and celebrate together as a family. There will be priceless, never-to-be-repeated moments and photo ops around every corner if I pay attention (and have my camera ready).
What do you need to slow down and enjoy in the coming weeks? What is your attitude about that thing, person or event? In the past there have been events that I didn’t enjoy to the extent I could have if I had chosen to have the right attitude about it.
Question: What is your favorite productivity tool? Share your answer in the Comments Section.
Seize the day!
(a more relaxing way of saying, “Seize the day!”)